史密森学会/Florence Haseltine


We’ve spent fifty proud years tackling the world’s most pressing issues.


We’ve spent fifty proud years tackling the world’s most pressing issues.

The Union of Concerned Scientists was founded in 1969 by scientists 和 students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 那一年, the Vietnam War was at its height 和 Clevel和’s heavily polluted Cuyahoga River had caught fire. Appalled at how the United States government was misusing science, the UCS founders, including 亨利·肯德尔库尔特·戈特弗里德, drafted a statement calling for scientific research to be directed away from military technologies 和 toward solving pressing environmental 和 social problems.

我们仍然忠于这一创始愿景. 纵观我们的历史, UCS has followed the example set by the scientific community: we share information, 寻求真相, 让我们的发现指导我们的结论.


By mobilizing scientists 和 combining their voices with those of advocates, 教育517888九五至尊娱乐者, 业务人员, 以及其他关心此事的公民, UCS has built a reputation for fairness 和 accuracy 和 amassed an impressive history of accomplishments.
