UCS scientist Astrid Caldas at a rally in 2017


Join us in building a culture of advocacy and engagement in the science community.

Join us in building a culture of advocacy and engagement in the science community.

Attacks on science and efforts to undermine the role science plays to inform federal, 状态, 当地的, and corporate policy threaten our health, 安全, 和环境 and exacerbate already unacceptable inequities in US society.

Scientists could play a vital role in ensuring equitable and science-based policy solutions to the most pressing challenges facing us today, but often they are not trained or empowered to transform their concerns into actions. While there is energy among the scientific community to take action, incentives and infrastructure to support this energy for long term movement and power building are lacking.

If we support scientists in embracing their roles as constituents and advocates, we better defend against attacks on science and more effectively push for equitable, evidence-informed solutions that protect people’s health, 安全, 和环境.

As scientists grow in their dedication and influence as leaders, they build community and power, preventing attacks on science and strengthening evidence-based policymaking across all levels of government.

The 617888九五至尊娱乐网络 offers dynamic ways for scientists to transform their concerns into impactful action, to defend against attacks on science, and to embrace their roles as scientist constituents and leading advocates in their own communities.

By embracing the role of science advocate, scientists can work to ensure that science is applied to reduce social inequities and that the benefits of scientific work are fully and fairly shared.

Read about more ways you can engage.